Soft Lyfe Intimates


Soft Lyfe is a sanctuary for intimate apparel crafted with ethical materials sourced from sustainable and responsible origins.

Driven by a deep commitment to empowering women and honoring the planet, Soft Lyfe meticulously selects every fabric and material used in their creations. From luxurious organic cotton to eco-friendly bamboo fibers, their intimate pieces are thoughtfully designed to provide a heavenly embrace while leaving a minimal environmental footprint.


This brand new intimate wear brand faced the challenge of lacking a strong and distinctive brand identity. In a highly competitive market, where consumers have numerous options, standing out and making a memorable impression is crucial for success. Without a well-defined brand identity, the brand struggled to communicate its unique value proposition to potential customers.

By addressing the challenge of a lack of brand identity, my design services positioned the new intimate wear brand as a distinct and appealing choice in a competitive market. Through a strategic and creative approach, the brand was able to connect with its target audience, create brand recognition, and establish a strong foundation for its growth and success.