Welcome to my blog!

If you’re new here, HEY hey!! I’m Megan, owner of Well with Noel. Thank you for being here and for taking the time out of your day to read my blog.

Honestly, I’ve been wanting to bring my blog back for a while. This website initially started out as a blog back in 2018. I was at the beginning of what I like to call my “self-care journey”, and I wanted to create a space online where I could share my life lessons, wellness practices, book recommendations, etc.

I shared my wellness resources and my virtual yoga classes during the pandemic. My blog has always been a special place for me to connect with other people and just be my raw, authentic self.

After starting my web design business (and going full-time) during the pandemic, my focus shifted on design work and nurturing my client relationships. But I really missed having this little corner of the web where I can just share what goes on behind the scenes of my life.

So I’m back and so excited! My intention with this blog now is to continue to be a resource. I will be sharing wellness and lifestyle tips, business tips for entrepreneurs and also sharing a behind the scenes look into what it is really like being a full-time web designer and business owner.

I believe there is so much power in sharing our stories. The good, the bad and the in between. This blog will be a reminder that wherever you are on your journey, you are not alone.

Thank you for being here and for following along on the journey.

Let me know where you’re from in the comments, share your instagram handle if we aren’t already friends there + let me know what you would like to see featured on my blog.

Looking forward to connecting!


Megan Noel


4 must-have features for a high converting website